Monday 12 August 2013

You Only Live Twice Review

Personally I think this film is shit, the start is crap , I mean how can you get blood for a fake death? So lets skip forward after his 'body was dropped into the sea' that was crap as well . So lets skip forward to the bit when he's at the harbor , this scene where he must escape is really the only highlight of the film to be honest with you. So soon after Helga Brandt fails to kill Bond , her and Mr Osato meet with Blofeld and Ginger nut Helga dies a horrible death falling into Piranhas! Then off to a small village , where Bond gets 'married' and spends the night with Aki who gets poisoned how the fuck does the SPECTRE assassin get it down the string? And she dies , so off to Ninja training school and I'm like that's cool and all but what the fuck? And how did the SPECTTE assassin get onto the Ninja island? Then the volcano it's good when he breaks in , but how the hell did he hide a rocket in a cigarette? Pleasence plays Blofeld well and makes his character fuck ugly. Then the attack love all of it!! Forgot to mention Little Nellie its a sick little helicopter but how did it fly? Everyone plays everyone very well.

I rate this a 4/10 Personally its a load of fucking bull shitty crappy boring film.

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