Thursday 15 August 2013

The Spy Who Loved Me Review

James Bond is back after an previous unsuccessful  film , in this he meets Karl Stromberg who wants to create a new civilization under water. There are many good points also many bad as some of the film bores me which is why it is so low in my rankings.

Good points:
1. We have Jaws , the steel toothed giant , whose strength can rip apart a van or a brick of a building. He is probably one of the highlights of the film.
2. The Lotus Esprit , one of Q's greatest inventions can go under water also has the usual gadgets and her nickname is Wet Nellie.
3.  Karl Stromberg he is a crazy man and is probably one of the greatest villains in the series with his webbed hands.
4. The start of the film is the best pre-sequence is the best ever , soon after leaving the log cabin and shooting Bond girl Anya Amasova's boyfriend he jumps of the abyss on a pair of ski's looking like he's not going to make it but all of a sudden out comes a parachute of the Great Britain flag , easily one of the Best Bond moments ever!
5. The fight at the end is a good moment too.
6.As well as the train fight.

Bad points:
1. The bit in Egypt bores me soon as you see him riding it bores me until just before they get on the train.
2. Some of the bit's in Italy and Scotland bore me to.

Overall it's a pretty good film and has risen up. I rate this a 7.8/10

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