Saturday 20 July 2013

A View To A Kill review

As this film rates 10th in my Bond rankings and was the last Bond film I watched I'll write a review on it.

Plot: Mysterious industrialist Max Zorin may be selling British microchip design to the Russians. When James Bond is sent to investigate, he discover Zorin is not only stockpiling chips, he is also drilling dangerously close to the San Andreas Fault in California.  7.5/10

Villains: Well there's nothing better than having a rogue KGB agent as the main villain is there? Christopher Walken plays Max Zorin really , really well with his Blonde hair , different color eyes , evil glasses and his craziness and evilness betraying everyone.  May Day (Grace Jones) , this amazing,super strength Hench woman you can't hate because she is so silent you won't know she's in the back of your Rolls-Royce or Jeep. Scarpine/ Dr. Carl Mortner these two henchmen are very important as Dr. Carl Mortner created him and Scarpine helps him in the zeplin and gun down the miners. 9/10

Girls: Stacy Sutton is the main Bond girl in this film she is a bit ditsy and sounds dumb but is a geologist and proves quite helpful when they break into W.G Howes office and at the end they enjoy a shower together. Pola Ivanova is a KGB agent who spies on Max Zorin at his oil pumping station and later is with Bond in a Jacuzzi. Kimberley Jones is an  MI6 agent who drives a submarine from Siberia to Alaska. 6.8/10

Bond: Roger Moore is too old for this as he was about 57 then , and Tanya Roberts (Stacy Sutton) is 57 now, also he has too many wrinkles.They should have got Timothy Dalton in for this. 5/10

Overall: Overall this is a good Bond film it rates 10th in my Bond films it has everything a great villain, a legendary Bond , a great Bond girl and a pretty good plot. 28.3/40

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